Framboise prickly berries
Framboise prickly berries
Blackberries grow in temperate regions, as a common shrub in our orchards, as well as in Europe, Scandinavia, Asia, and even Oceania.
The funny thing is that the fruits of blackberries were presented, in the sixteenth century, as fruits on the table. However, the people later neglected its cultivation until the year 1712, when a pamphlet appeared, written by a cleric named Father Montaron, in which he dealt with the "wonderful virtues" of the fruits of the blackberries, in a manner full of enthusiasm and poetic .. Father Mantaron says: “No one owns a garden nor should he plant in it. A large number of blackberry trees to cover the needs of his family and others who may need it. Gentlemen of the clergy, to help their parishioners, to sell either for their children or for the poor, hospitals for the sick, and kings and princes for the sake of their soldiers and subjects, especially in the seas where Many men die of various diseases, such as the plague, dizziness and others. They should encourage their cultivation. "
And prickly berries or blackberries almost completely resemble strawberries in their properties. The most important thing it contains are acids such as apple and citric acid, and it contains some fatty substances.
Its juice is used in the preparation of some useful syrups in cases of heat, intestinal rot and fevers caused by urinary infections. And because it contains salicylic acid, it is compatible with diabetics, pulmonary and arthritis.
Diuretic and anti-rheumatic
By the end of the nineteenth century, this plant had no longer one of the attributes assigned to it except for limited benefits related to stomach, rheumatism and diuresis, and until 1908 when the famous French physician H. Hoshar gave a number of rheumatism patients whom he supervised for a long period of boiled blackberry leaves in order to choose Its healing virtues. After a year passed, he noticed such amazing results that he published his article in The Doctors' Journal on blackberries and rheumatism.
Thus it became clear that the virtues that the aforementioned cleric enthusiastically described at the beginning of the eighteenth century were not unfounded. Rather, it can be said that it was less than what was proven by the studies of modern specialists, which confirm the presence of a number of important substances in blackberries, such as the essential oil that generates quinic acid and yeast oxidase, which is very active thanks to the effectiveness of the diuretic paper. This is in addition to the presence of an ingredient that has the action of vitamin (C).
Then, two French scientists were able to prove the diuretic and anti-rheumatic qualities of blackberries.
It is noticed, as a result of giving a boiled blackberry leaf, a clear increase in diuresis and the severity of excretion of urea and uric acid "acidauric". It was also confirmed that the usefulness of these papers in a large number of cases where the amount of urine needed to be stimulated, especially when the largest amount of uric acid was required to be excreted.
Accordingly, the main benefits of blackberry leaves are in cases of gout (joint disease), some types of rheumatism, lithiase rénale and a number of complications that accompany high blood pressure or insufficient urinary excretion.
Blackberries flourish in the spring and their leaves are harvested in July. The most common form of abuse is in the form of a boil at a rate of 50 per thousand (half a liter per day).
In some cases, as in the case of gout, the leaves of the blackberry can be mixed with the leaves of the elm (also called the tongue of the bird) and the flowers of the goatee (also called the queen of the meadows) which have similar characteristics and the mixture shall be in the following proportions:
Blackberry leaf: 100 gr
Elm leaf: 50g
Goatee blossom: 50 gr
The drink is prepared by placing a teaspoon of powdered leaves and flowers in a cup of boiling water, then the patient takes it at a rate of two or three cups within 24 hours and at intervals apart from the meal times.
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