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It is believed that the original homeland of peaches was Persia, and from there it moved to neighbouring countries until it reached the city of Damascus, and it adapted to it until it became in neighbouring countries until it reached the city of Damascus, and it adapted to it until it became at the forefront of its fruit production, and during the Crusades, the Europeans took it to their country, This fruit was the only thing they gained from the 1148 year war, and that was the source of fragility and scarcity in Europe. And the new fruit spread throughout Europe. And it was possible to grow many varieties of them, so people came to them, and they said about poetry, and the scientific community competed in revealing its properties and benefits.

Peaches contain amounts of vitamins (A) and (D) and the following amounts of substances: Water

80.64%, sugars 17.63%, 0.81% carbohydrates, and a hundred grams of plums are the following mineral parts:

Ash 58, phosphorous 18, sulfur 6, soda 2, potash 25, lime 14, iron 0,4, copper 9.

As for dry peaches, the amounts are as follows: 28.22% water, 67.15% sugars, 2.47% carbohydrates, 0.50% fats, 1.66% ash. As for dried plums, the amounts are 22.14% water, 73.07% sugars, 0.40% ash.

Peaches retain all their beneficial properties even after drying.

To obtain dried plums, they leave the fruit on its tree until fully ripe. Then it is picked and laid over clean, dry plates, and exposed to the sun for some time, then the fruits are transferred to an oven at a temperature of sixty degrees Celsius and left for a day and then exposed to the air and placed in the oven again for a period of twenty-four hours and the process of ventilation and oven is repeated at a degree of one hundred, then the dried peaches are placed in boxes Especially it is sold in the markets.

And peaches are described in cases of diarrhoea, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and hardening of the arteries, due to its diuretic properties, and it contains organic acids.

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