Mango la mangue
Mango la mangue
A hand who unveiled the benefits of "mangoes" is an Indian hermit called "Harry Das". He spent his whole life outdoors, eating mangoes as food, and using their seeds as medicine from cold diseases. Indian medical books confirmed this fact, so she talked about mangoes as a fruit. Nourishing and healing from some diseases.
The mango fruit contains 20% of its weight in soluble sugars, 1% protein and ½% fat, ½% organic acids, and% minerals, in addition to some vitamins.
Mango Syrup is used as a laxative for the gastrointestinal tract. As for its seeds, it is used as a treatment for diarrhea, dysantria and intestinal worms, after drying them in sunlight for three weeks and then crushing them.
In India, a drink is made from a mango that is ripe on fire, and a drink is used to prevent heat stroke. As for the leaves of this fruit, it is used as a treatment for diseases of the throat and chest, so it burns and the patient inhales its smoke.
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