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A plant close in shape to an elongated melon and without size, it has seeds that the cucumber throw away from it when it ripens and grows.
It is an annual plant, its origin is from India, its flowers are unisexual. This plant has been known since ancient times. It is preferred by the public. And cucumbers have many types, including long and short ones that are used with lettuce and tomatoes in preparing salads and pickles, as they are kept in canned foods, they are harvested in summer because the cold hurts them, and put in the cold destroys them.

 It has soothing and calming properties. It has moisturizing and soothing properties. It is included in the composition of moisturizing lotions, skin ointments and cosmetic compounds.
Cucumber is rich in water and contains significant amounts of vitamins (A ) and vitamin (C ). It does not contain many nutrients, so it is beneficial for obese people if it can fill the stomach and give a feeling of satiety without blowing heat and causing the accumulation of fat.

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